Sunday, 6 July 2014

Red holiday sweater

So, first of all, lets get on to BETAs.  There is an item on AJ that everyone wants now, that they wouldn't have wanted before.  And this item is RED HOLIDAY SWEATER.  People had offered me rare wrists, short collars and a WHOLE bunch of other things, but the only thing I said yes too, was an AWESOME trade, and plus, it was fair too ^-^  The trade I accepted was a LONG ORANGE WRIST, RARE THE CLAW, BETA TV and WOOD FLOOR.  Some say that the item (apparently) is glitched, others say its because it was hard to get that colour when you got gifts at Jammaliday.  To be honest, it is one of the ACTUAL colours when you look on images for 'Animal jam holiday sweaters', so really, I think it was just hard to get.  So, here are the items that it's worth:

Spaceship grey (add something like party hat or the claw or a rare wrist)
Long wrist (add a little)
Short collar
A couple of BETA floors or walls
Some good non-member den BETAs

I hope this helps!



  1. Kind of helpful. Do you want to trade for mine?

  2. is it worth a black worn or is ir over trade?

  3. i find this as a help!

  4. Anybody willing to trade me a glitched sweater for my Glossy cupid wings? (Red)
