Sunday, 6 July 2014

BETA pigtails

BETA pigtails

BETA pigtails are quite pretty on some animals, but now they are getting VERY unwanted.  I don't put mine on trade, because no-one wants them any more and I have made a really nice artic-wolf look wearing them.

So this is what they are worth:

BETA robot
BETA basket of candy
Rare 'The Claw' (you may have to add small with BETA pigtails)
Unreleased 'Long Bow'
I hope this helps!!



  1. GreenishRaspberryAJ7 July 2014 at 12:18

    I have pigtails but I dont like them dey are annoying especially cuz im nm.

  2. Ebee5162 buddy me cuz I just lost my membership
