Monday 25 July 2016

Updated Blog!

Hey everyone!
I know, its been 2 years since I've posted,
BUT NOW I'M BACK!!I really hope you all enjoy the new layout and name of the blog, and the new, updated, more helpful posts about betas.
ALSO, every time I make a post about a beta or item, I will be giving away that VERY ITEM!  All you need to do is comment your username and WHY YOU like that item, and I will be randomly picking a winner once I've reached 10-15 comments!!  
Follow me on Instagram!!:
@cxecelia OR @troyepeach
-Sweetsugaryrainbow xox

Beta Cami's Frog

Cami's Frog.  Probably the cutest AND most wanted non-member Beta on Animal Jam.

Cami's Frog (a Beta) was an item released during the Beta Testing in August 2010, for non members (like it is today), sold at the good ol' Jam Mart Furniture, for, surprisingly, 100 gems.  It was released for one of the Wild Works workers daughter, Cami (the one who does the Wild Explorers videos), whom was fighting cancer, and had a plush toy frog that she was extremely attached to.  *Click Here For Full Story*
 The Cami's Frog is a very sweet looking item, although some people find it 'creepy looking'.  It is a pale, slightly grey, green colour, with cream eyes with black dots in the middle, a thin black smile, two black dots for nostrils and a lilacy-pink patch clearly sewn onto its stomach, with grey stiches around it, and a neon, hot pink  plaster (bandaid) in the middle.  Its feet and hands are webbed, and it is in a sitting position.

Has other versions been released?

Whats it worth?
It is extremely wanted by Non-Members and beta collecters, so you can get a pretty good deal from it.  A list of things you can get from a Cami's Frog:
-A Long Rare Spiked Wristband.
-A Short Orange Rare Spiked Collar (with a few little Betas added).
-About 3-4 Member Betas.
-About 4-5 Non-Member Betas.

I hope that helped!
For every post of a Beta I do about, I will be giving away the item I've written about for you guys!
Its really simple to enter.  Just comment your username and why you like this item, and I will be randomly picking a commenter to give it to!
Each giveaway WILL end once I have reached up to 10-15 comments.

-Sweetsugaryrainbow xox

Beta Porch Swing

The Porch Swing.  EVERYONE'S favourite item, or, at least mine.

The Porch Swing didn't ACTUALLY come out during Beta Testing, so it isn't actually counted as a Beta, but, you can still get quite good items from owning one (I own 20 of them hahah).  It was actually sold in Coral Canyon, for 500 gems, when there used to be a shop there, the shop also sold Painted Pots , Firepits and Rosebushes too.  It came out in May 2011, and back then, was a 'Member's Only Item', like it is today (thats how you can TELL it wasn't Beta, there was no such thing as Membership during the Beta Testing, only once it had finished).

This chair, or swing, is based on the porch swing you have on your porch or in your garden, more common on porches in America, as they have quite big porches.  In real life, it is used for a swing to read on, to go outside to cool down where it is shaded on your porch.  As this item is from Animal Jam, obiously it WILL be made out of wood.  The chair part of the item is hanging by neon-green vines, a bit like a swing.  The wood is a dark brown colour, and it only comes in one variety.

Has other versions been released?
Yes.  A 2014 one, available in different colours has been released.  It is called Porch Swing, but looks nothing like it.  Whilst the original is used with thin wood, this is used with extremely thick wood, and has a completely different frame.  It is EXTREMELY easy to tell the difference between the original and the new one, so you won't get confused in a hurry.  You can get the new one from Sarepia Forest for 500 gems.

Whats it worth?
The Porch Swing is a very wanted item, so, for a bit of bartering, you could get a very good deal for one of them.  A list of things you could get from a Porch Swing:
-A good colour of a Long Rare Spiked Wristband, even maybe up to black.
-(rare deal) A bad colour of a Short Rare Spiked Collar.
-Some small Betas, such as a Beta Robot (usually worth a LITTLE less than the Porch Swing) or non member Betas.
-Some Beta Wallpapers/Flooring.

I hope that helped!
For every post of a Beta I do about, I will be giving away the item I've written about for you guys!
Its really simple to enter.  Just comment your username and why you like this item, and I will be randomly picking a commenter to give it to!
Each giveaway WILL end once I have reached up to 10-15 comments.

-Sweetsugaryrainbow xox